Containing Parameter Integral and Uniform Convergence on Fuzzy Interval Value Function Fuzzy区间值函数的含参量积分及一致收敛性
Proof of the Function Seies Convergence Uniform Theorem and Necessary and Sufficient Condition in General Integral Convergent; Global convergence analysis of the proposed method is given. 函数项级数一致收敛定理的证明和广义积分收敛的充要条件并在通常条件下证明了方法的全局收敛性。
A Judging Method for Infinite Integral Convergence with Arrangeable Singularities 具有可列奇点的无穷积分收敛的一个判别法
In this paper, we introduce a new kind of integral type Jackson interpolating operator, and prove the convergence of this operator in Orlicz spaces. 引进了一类新的二元积分型Jackson插值算子,并证明了该算子在Orlicz空间中的收敛性。
In this paper, the problem of the approximate function sequences of the axisymmetric large deflection of thin shallow revolution shells are structured by the theory of integral equations, and the existance, the uniform convergence and the uniqueness are also confirmed. 本文使用积分方程理论构造了旋传扁壳的轴对称大挠度问题的逼近函数序列,证明了其解的存在性、一致收敛性和唯一性。
This paper gave just definition on interval value function and fuzzy value function on infinite. interval, moreover gave definition on these integral and property theorem and discriminating theorem on these integral convergence. 本文正是在此基础上给出了无穷区间上区间值函数和Fuzzy值函数的定义,进一步给出了它们的积分的定义,以及积分收敛的性质定理和判定定理。
It is shown that the numerical integral steps that have got to convergence for chamber-nozzle flowfield computation are much more than those for transonic nozzle flowfield calculation. 计算表明,达到收敛的数值积分步数比纯喷管的跨声速计算要多得多。
Three integral limit theorems, I e., Control Convergence theorem, Levi Lemma and Fatou Lemma in real variable functions are studied and proved, which concludes that the three are equivalent actually. 对实变函数中的几个积分极限定理进行了研究,证明了控制收敛定理、Levi引理和Fatou引理是相互等价的推断。
( r) integral on bounded closed set and the theorem of integral convergence 有界闭集上的(R)积分及积分收敛定理
In this paper, we set up some equivalent propositions concerning Levi monotone convergence theorem of ( s) fuzzy integral, we also improved some fuzzy integral convergence theorems. 本文给出Fuzzy积分的Levi单调收敛定理成立的等价条件,并对Fuzzy积分的收敛定理作进一步改进。
Real variable function theory is composed of three integral limitation theorems including Control Convergence theorem, Levi Lemma, Fatou Lemma. 实变函数中有几个克服了黎曼积分的缺陷的积分极限定理:控制收敛定理、Levi引理、Fatou引理。
This paper gives an account of the full condition of f ( X)→ 0 when X →∞ underthe condition of infinite integral convergence of a kind of positive-valued inte-grands. 本文给出了一类被积函数为正值的无穷积分收敛的条件下,当X→∞时,f(X)→0的充分条件。
The concept of the ( N) fuzzy integral on a fuzzy set is introduced and some elementary properties of this type of fuzzy integral, Monotone Convergence Theorem and Fatou Lemma are proved. 在模糊集上引入(N)模糊积分的概念,研究了这类积分的基本性质,并证明了模糊情形下的单调收敛定理和Fatou引理。
Since the definition of fuzzy measure and integral was given in [ 1], This paper gives definitions of fuzzy integral of interval-value and fuzzy-value function, It gives some convergence conclusions about fuzzy integral of interval-value function and fuzzy-value function. 本文在[1]的基础上,定义了区间值函数与Fuzzy值函数的积分,给出有关积分收敛的一些结果。
The main results include the absolute continuity of the integral, the average convergence theorem, the uniform convergence theorem and the Vitali convergence theorem. 主要包括积分原过程的绝对连续性,平均收敛定理,一致收敛定理和Vitali收敛定理。
Infinite integral on containing parameter interval value function and containing parameter Fuzzy value function is defined, and a definition on the uniform convergence of infinite integral and the discrimination method of uniform convergence is given, The properties of the uniform convergence of infinite integral are investigated 在已有文献的基础上定义了含参量区间值函数与含参量Fuzzy值函数的无穷积分,给出了无穷积分一致收敛的定义和判别法,讨论了无穷积分一致收敛的性质
From the characteristics of integrated function, broad integral's convergence and scatter of positive function is discriminated. 从被积函数的性态,判别正函数广义积分的敛散性。
In this paper, the authors advance several new concepts such as complex fuzzy measure, complex fuzzy measurable function and complex fuzzy integral etc, and then discuss their properties and convergence theorem. 提出复Fuzzy测度、复Fuzzy可测函数及复Fuzzy积分等概念,并讨论了其性质与收敛定理。
This paper has proposed a method controlling iteration number and stability of solution according to thought of integral convergence algorithm minimizing nonlinear equations. 本文利用求非线性方程组极小化全局收敛法的思路,提出了控制迭代收敛次数、控制反演解稳定的方法。
In this paper, the work of [ 1] was continued to show the integral transformation theorem and convergence theorem of integral sequences. 本文继续讨论〔1〕中定义的(T)模糊积分,得到了积分转化定理以及可积条件,并证明了其它的收敛定理。
The concept of second infinite curve integral is presented and its quality and discriminance of convergence are discussed. 本文给出了第二型无穷曲线积分的概念,讨论了其性质与收敛的判别方法。
The new proofs of integral continuous theorem and Lebesgue controlled convergence theorem 积分连续性定理和Lebesgue控制收敛定理的新证明
And the condition of σ-weak integral's existence is given. The Dominated Convergence Theorem under the σ-weak operator topology is also given. 并给出了σ弱积分存在的条件及σ弱算子拓扑下的控制收敛定理。
The generalized Bochner integral and the weak convergence of measures 广义Bochner积分意义下测度的弱收敛
With the approximating method, the representation of locally Lipschitz continuous integrated C-semigroup by the integral convergence of a sequence of C-semigroups is investigated. The relation between integrated C-semigroup and C-semigroup is obtained. 用逼近的方法得出,积分C半群在满足局部Lipschitz连续的条件下可表示为一列C半群积分序列的极限,从而得出积分C半群与C半群的关系。
A multivalued Lebesgue-Stieltjes integral about real monotone non-decreasing function is defined, Then the properties of multivalued integral are discussed, and their convergence theorem are obtained. 首先引入集值函数关于实值单调非减函数的集值Lebesgue-Stieltjes积分,然后讨论了集值Lebesgue-Stieltjes积分的性质,最后建立了集值Lebesgue-Stieltjes积分的极限定理。
Secondly, the error caused by numerical treatment of derivatives and integral are avoided and thus the accuracy and convergence of the model improved. 避免了数值推导的误差,模型精度高,收敛性好;
Then with Wavelets transform method research has constitute electric magnetic field and vector green function of Sommerfeld integral of fast numerical calculation, Because this method can improve the Sommerfeld integral of convergence nature, thus to accelerated has calculation. 接着借助于小波变换法研究构成电磁场并矢格林函数的索末菲积分的快速数值计算,由于该方法可以改善索末菲积分的收敛性质,从而加速了计算。